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Change Log

2.0.18 (2024/10/21)

  • Fixed:  Undefined variable Image widgets in Debug mode

2.0.17 (2024/07/19)

  • Optimized: Smoother Editor

2.0.16 (2024/07/18)

  • Fixed: The editor isn’t loading

2.0.15 (2023/07/14)

  • Added: Filter Data Source options (Title, Content) for Search Facet
  • Fixed: Resolved the issue where all options in the facet were being checked by default.
  • Fixed: Session Error
  • Fixed: Addressed the issue where the scroll-to function in the pagination facet was not working correctly on the Bricks builder.

2.0.14 (2023/04/15)

  • Fixed: Facet Map not working with Metabox
  • Optimized: Add a JS Hook for Facet and Grid after filtering
  • Optimized: Add Control Border Radius for Facet Radio, Checkbox Types
  • Optimized: Add ACF and Metabox Group fields in Dynamic Tags
  • Optimized: Add Hidden Image Label in Facet Image

2.0.13 (2023/03/04)

  • Fixed: Elementor version 3.11 Error
  • Optimized: Add “Hide Empty Choices” in Facet
  • Optimized: Add SKU and Stock WooCommerce product to dynamic tags

2.0.12 (2023/02/02)

  • Optimized: Code Widget + Grid Custom Card double quote issue
  • Optimized: Dynamic Product attributes

2.0.11 (2023/02/01)

  • Added: Code Widget
  • Fixed: Error Log in WooCommerce
  • Optimized: Add WooCommerce product attributes to Dynamic Tags

2.0.10 (2023/01/19)

  • Fixed: Conflict of PHP 8 vs Custom Card

2.0.9 (2022/12/21)

  • Fixed: Footer’s Bricks Conflict
  • Fixed: Icons oversized when loading a page
  • Fixed: The gallery carousel not working after clicking on Load More (Facet)
  • Fixed: “Infinite Loop function” not working
  • Optimized: Add media images to the gallery widget (card)
  • Optimized: Add “Taxonomy Term” function in Conditional Visibility
  • Added: disable indexing Piotnet Grid post type option possibility
  • Added: Get data of checkbox fields Metabox from Users to Card

2.0.7 (2022/11/02)

  • Fixed: ACF location field dynamic value makes errors on the card.
  • Fixed The quick view popup conflict Blocksy Theme.
  • Fixed: Undefined variable widget image.
  • Optimized: Add ACF google address in dynamic tags.
  • Optimized: Add media library in dynamic tags.

2.0.6 (2022/10/24)

  • Fixed: Revise Search Facet operation.
  • Fixed: Get property ‘post_type’ of non-object.
  • Fixed: Facet Child Hierarchical Indent.
  • Added: Current user info to the dynamic tag on the Card.
  • Optimized: Implement “hover color” for the Facet button. 

2.0.5 (2022/10/14)

  • Fixed: Facet Issues with Elementor Current Query

2.0.4 (2022/10/12)

  • Added: In-depth Elementor Integration.
  • Added: Dynamic Tags for the color control 
  • Fixed: A minor Card Animation error
  • Fixed: Scroll To Top pagination – JS issue
  • Fixed: Elementor template widget not showing
  • Fixed: Grid not showing on Oxygen environment.

2.0.3 (2022/10/04)

  • Fixed: JS Issues with Bricks builder- “Disable jQuery migrate” and “Add Element ID & class as needed”

2.0.1 + 2.0.2 (2022/10/01)

  • Fixed: Undefined Empty WooCommerce cart function error.

2.0-Official version (2022/09/30)

  • Piotnet Grid 2.0 Official Release. Read more details here.

2.0.0-beta2 (2022/09/23)

  • Piotnet Grid 2.0 opens the second beta. Read more details here.

2.0.0-beta1 (2022/09/09)

  • Piotnet Grid 2.0 opens the first beta. Read more details here.

1.1.16 (2022/08/11)

  • Fixed: A Conflict with Elementor 3.7.0.
  • Fixed: An issue with Include Taxonomy Terms for Grid.
  • Added: Integrate Pods gallery field type to the Gallery widget in the card.

1.1.15 (2022/07/12)

  • Fixed: Dynamic Tag Post Terms
  • Added: Video widget autoplay option

1.1.14 (2022/06/25)

  • Added: Hierarchical Terms List for Facet.
  • Added: Subscribe to Beta updates option to Plugin setting page.
  • Fixed: WooCommerce conflict.
  • Fixed: Facet issues with Oxygen.

1.1.13 (2022/06/04)

  • Fixed: Facet issue with Oxygen 4.0
  • Added: Remove Extend HTML

1.1.12 (2022/06/03)

  • Added: Term ID into the dynamic tag.
  • Optimized: the check license plugin.
  • Fixed: date format in date facet.
  • Fixed: Piotnet Gird Term Image on WordPress 6.0.

1.1.11 (2022/05/21)

  • Added: Pods Integration with Facet
  • Added: ACF, Toolset, JetEngine, Pods Integration with Facet Date

1.1.10 (2022/05/12)

  • Added: Toolset Integration with Facet
  • Added: Lightbox for Gallery widget

1.1.8 (2022/04/29)

  • Fixed: Facet issue with Oxygen WooCommerce Shop Page
  • Added: Conditional Visibility By Date, Time
  • Fixed: Add To Cart Button Issue For Out Of Stock Product
  • Fixed: Exclude Terms Issue

1.1.7 (2022/04/24)

  • Fixed: can not clear the value of Select control in Editor.
  • Fixed: a conflict with Vj WP Import Export plugin.

1.1.6 (2022/04/06)

  • Fixed: The license system conflicts with the WPML plugin.
  • Fixed: issues with the Oxygen plugin.

1.1.5 (2022/03/26)

  • Added: Hide children taxonomy facet option.
  • Fixed: An incorrect expired date (License) with old PHP versions.

1.1.4 (2022/03/10)

  • Added: Show More/Show Less button for Facet
  • Fixed: Facet Issues
  • Fixed: Font Bricks Theme Issue
  • Fixed: Light Box not working after Ajax
  • Fixed: Toggle Oxygen Issue

1.1.3 (2022/03/07)

  • Fixed: show updates for version v1.1.0
  • Fixed: WooCommerce variation Facet with oxygen.

1.1.0 (2022/03/07)

  • Added: The new license dashboard (experiment) is out now. Now you can manage your activated websites here.

1.0.28 (2022/02/08)

  • Fixed: Dynamic Background Image
  • Fixed: Cache Plugins Conflict

1.0.27 (2022/01/21)

  • Added: JetEngine Integration with Facet
  • Fixed: Metabox Conflict
  • Fixed: Bricks Theme Conflict

1.0.26 (2022/01/19)

  • Fixed: Metabox CPT not showing
  • Fixed: Metabox Facet for Oxygen
  • Fixed: Beaver Builder Conflict

1.0.25 (2022/01/18)

  • Fixed: Facet and Oxygen issue

1.0.24 (2022/01/15)

  • Added: Result Counts Facet (Facet Action > Load, Loading Type > Result Counts)
  • Added: Video Widget for Card
  • Added: New Oxygen Element – Dynamic Image (Use this element instead of Oxygen Image to fix the facet filter issue)
  • Added: Generate a new facet name when duplicating the facet widget
  • Added: Exclude hidden WooCommerce products for the Facet
  • Fixed: Slider Facet not working with ACF and Metabox
  • Fixed: Slider Facet prefix
  • Fixed: Search Custom Field on the Editor
  • Added: Dynamic option for Shortcode widget

1.0.23 (2021/12/24)

  • Added: Live preview when editing a card (Click on the Gear Icon > Preview Card Settings > Select a Post to Preview)
  • Added: Integrate Metabox for Facet
  • Fixed: Beaver Conflict, Bricks Conflict
  • Fixed: Photoswipe issue
  • Fixed: Masonry issue

1.0.22 (2021/12/06)

  • Fixed: “Load more” Facet for Oxygen

1.0.21 (2021/12/04)

  • Added: Gallery Widget (Get dynamic data from ACF Gallery, Metabox, Pods, Toolset, JetEngine, WooCommerce, Carousel)
  • Fixed: Facet for Oxygen issues
  • Fixed: Grid Masonry issue

1.0.18 (2021/12/01)

  • Fixed: Facet for Oxygen Issue. Please change the Cache option setting (No>Yes or Yes>No) > Save and then change the Cache option to the first setting > Save

1.0.17 (2021/11/22)

1.0.16 (2021/11/03)

  • Fixed: Variation swatches widget with variation name has spacing
  • Fixed: Query issue with Post Type ‘any’ on the backend

1.0.15 (2021/10/27)

  • Added: A-Z Facet
  • Fixed: Masonry Grid issue with Imageless Card
  • Fixed: Text widget with URL color

1.0.14 (2021/10/25)

  • Fixed: an issue of Add to Cart.
  • Fixed: an issue with Color Picker.

1.0.13 (2021/10/22)

  • Fixed: Grid Carousel conflicts with PAFE Conditional logic.

1.0.12 (2021/10/08)

  • Added: Post Classes option for the card (You can enable this option on Grid Settings)
  • Added: Post Modified Time dynamic tags
  • Fixed: Session issue with Site Health
  • Fixed: Custom Query with PHP function issue
  • Fixed: Copy & Paste style
  • Fixed: add to cart and mini cart issue

1.0.11 (2021/10/07)

  • Added: Exclude Taxonomy Terms option for Facet
  • Added: “All” option (Facet Placeholder) for Facet

1.0.10 (2021/09/29)

  • Added: Editor Navigator (Structure)
  • Added: Infinite Scroll Load More (You can enable this option on Facet Load More Settings)

1.0.9 (2021/09/28)

  • Added: Integration of ACF with Facet Custom Field
  • Fixed: Reset button not working with Apply Facets button

1.0.8 (2021/09/25)

  • Fixed: Import Demos Issue
  • Fixed: Archive Template for Woocommerce Shop Page

1.0.5 ( 2021/09/23)

  • Fixed: Add to Cart issue, align
  • Trigger the Woocommerce minicart after adding to cart
  • Fixed: View Cart settings tab
  • Fixed: Apply Facets
  • Added: new Template demo

1.0.4 ( 2021/09/22 )

  • Added: Toolset Integration

1.0.3 ( 2021/09/22 )

  • Remove License email from Setting Page.

1.0.2 ( 2021/09/21 )

  • Fixed: Variation Swatches add to cart.

1.0.1 ( 2021/09/21 )

  • Fixed: a Metabox issue.
  • Fixed: Variation Swatches align issue.

1.0.0 ( 2021/09/20 )

  • Release Piotnet Grid.